Railway Town Public School uses a program called School Bytes to communicate with parents about news, events, absences, payments and much more.
Parents that are registered for the School Bytes Parent Portal can access the portal at any time to:
- sign permission notes that the school can see immediately
- complete applications/forms
- update student/family information
- explain past and future absences
- view and print school reports and other documents
- see upcoming events
- see term by term school calendars
- make payments for upcoming events or uniforms
- see receipts and payment history
The School Bytes Parent App allows easy access to all of the above features and also allows parent/carers to:
- receive push notifications from the school
- stay signed in and save card details for fast, secure payments
The App can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.
The school community response to School Bytes has been very positive and we encourage parent/carers to check back in as we expand what is available.
Please contact the the school if you are having any issues accessing School Bytes. Our office staff are happy to help.