Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
School frameworks (school rules)
As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.
Health support
To ensure your child receives the best care possible, it is important that we are advised of any health condition that may require support at school. For conditions requiring ongoing support at school, parents must complete a Request for Support at School of a Student’s Health Condition form detailing the support required.
School staff are only able to administer medication that has been prescribed by a Doctor, so all medications must be provided to the school in their original box with the pharmacy label attached.
Only minor first aid can be given at school. Parents will be contacted if a child becomes sick or is injured and needs further care. Only in emergency situations, or where parents or emergency contacts are unable to be contacted, will direct medical treatment be sought.
Home reading
Students participate in a home reading scheme where they receive rewards for multiples of five weeks’ reading. Students are to bring in their book record and will receive a book of their choice to take home.
Lost property
Children are not to bring valuables or large amounts of money to school in case they are lost and/or damaged.
We cannot stress strongly enough the need to have all children’s belongings clearly labeled. Articles such as hats, school jumpers and jackets, lunch boxes, drink bottles and school bags must be easily identified with your child’s name.
The Lost Property box is located near the back door of the school office building and can be checked by students or parents at any time. It will be emptied at the end of each term, with uniforms being washed and added to our second hand clothing store, and other items being donated to charity.
Each class attends Library once a week. Students need to have a waterproof library bag with their name clearly marked on it to be able to borrow.
Notices will be sent home for overdue Library books throughout the school year. Lost Library books will be charged to the student’s account to allow for replacement books to be purchased.
Notes and money
Please ensure that all notes are given to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible unless the note requests the return to be made to a different person.
Where you are returning money with a note, please provide the correct money in an envelope marked with: your child’s name and class, the event that the money covers and the amount in the envelope. Money envelopes are available at the school office upon request.
Where a signed permission note for an activity is returned without the correct money, the fee relating to that activity will be charged to the student’s account.
Voluntary contributions
These contributions help enhance our educational and sporting programs and provide additional educational resources for the benefit of our students. The contribution is set at $25.00 per student, with reductions for families with more than three students attending our school.
Change of family details
It is important that your family contact information is kept up to date and accurate so that we can contact you in case of emergency. Please complete and return the Family Information Sheet that is sent home each year and also inform the school of any changes of address, custody, telephone numbers, emergency contacts etc.
Attendance at school
Regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their options in the future. NSW Public Schools work in partnership with parents to encourage and support regular attendance of children and young people. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.
Arriving at school before 8.55am each morning:
- Helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine
- Gives students time to greet their friends before class
- Reduces classroom disruption for all students
- Ensures students do not miss out of learning activities scheduled early in the day
Parents must ensure that a verbal or written explanation is provided within seven (7) days for EVERY absence from school between 8.55am and 2.50pm, including late arrivals. To explain your child’s absence, please ring or email the school office, or send in a note. Absence Notification booklets are available from the office upon request.
Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel is necessary during the school term, an Application for Extended Leave (Travel) should be completed for absences longer than five (5) school days. If the Principal approves your application, absences relating to travel will be marked as Approved Leave on the Attendance Register.