Railway Town Public School

The Best in the West

Telephone08 8087 3008


Kindergarten 2023 enrolments

Kindergarten enrolments are open

Children living in our local enrolment area who are turning 5 years old by 31 July 2023 can now be enrolled to commence kindergarten next year


Where and when should I enrol my child?

Check your local enrolment area using School Finder: https://education.nsw.gov.au/school-finder/index

or by telephoning the school office.

Parents/carers of children living in Railway Town Public School's local enrolment area should complete an online enrolment application and upload their supporting documents on the school website:


If you are not able to enrol online, an enrolment application can be collected at the school office or we can send one out to you by mail.

It is important that enrolment applications are received AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to allow planning to ensure new students are supported and ready to start school in 2023.

Parents/carers seeking a non-local enrolment must complete the application process with their local school and request a meeting with the Principal to discuss their reasons for seeking a non-local enrolment.

What support is provided for new kindergarten enrolments?

Railway Town Public School runs an orientation program for incoming kindergarten students during Term 4 each year with activities that help ensure a smooth transition to school.   Further information will be sent out by mail to enrolled students during Term 3.  Students must be enrolled to attend orientation sessions.  

Please contact the school office with any enquiries about the enrolment process on 08 8087 3008 or railwaytow-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au